Going to the gym can be pain and your favorite yoga classes are all during times that you have to work or be with your family. Making time in your day for your yoga practice can seem hopeless at times but doing so will make all other aspects of your life seem much more pleasant. If you want to know how to start doing yoga at home then I have good news for you – it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Find A Hard Surface To Practice On
I’ve tried practicing at home on carpet or a rug and really had trouble balancing in postures that I would usually have no problems with. Placing your mat on a hard surface such as wooden floors, tile, or concrete will help recreate the conditions you would feel at a gym or studio allowing you to focus on your movement.
2. Find A Quiet Place To Practice
The best thing about doing yoga at home is that you don’t have to worry about other people watching or judging you. Just because you can’t get to a yoga class doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed to clear your mind from the day.

Find a quiet spot where no one will be walking past you or, if you don’t have somewhere like this, kick everyone out of your space for however long is needed. Being able to practice uninterrupted will leave you ready to face the commotion of your daily life.
3. Find A Routine That Works For You
Choosing which routine you should start with is a huge obstacle for some people and a common place where most give up. Don’t be one of those people!
It really doesn’t matter which routine you start with because as your practice grows you will begin to learn the poses and be able to incorporate the ones that work best for you into your practice. After a while you won’t even need someone to guide you because you will know what feels best for your body and will start to come up with your own routines using what you’ve learned.
The most important thing you can do is to start doing something.
Since you are looking for a way to start doing yoga at home then you are already ahead of the game! Don’t be discouraged when you see the people in the yoga videos effortlessly moving through each pose. Everyone starts out as a beginner and only those who stick with it overtime are the ones who reach their goals.
Stick With It!

Great post. I am interested in learning the benefits and the practice of Yoga for more than a year now, but I find it hard to get started, a lot of work, busy schedule and so many things to do throughout the day.
The 3 tips here are very helpful and as the quotes stated, the most important thing is to do something and that definitely what I’m going to do this weekend.
Thanks for the tips and the motivating quote.
Hi Imad!
I’m really happy that you found the tips helpful…it really is just deciding to do something and just start doing it!
Good luck and stick with it 🙂
My wife has been doing Yoga for some time now and over the last year she has had to let it slip due to work commitments and not having time to frequent the gym.
This is a great idea and also thank you for your review and resources.
Is there a good place to by DVDs online and maybe the Floor Mat?
Hi Chris,
That’s great that your wife already does yoga! Now you can join her at home and both get in shape 🙂
The best place to find the DVDs online would be directly through the DDP Yoga website by following any of the links provided in my above post.
Thanks for the comment!
Hi! These are some good recommendations! When I was practicing yoga it home, the hardest part was to find the time for eat. I don’t know why, but finding time for myself could be such a challenge. What would be your recommendation if the exercise routine for absolute beginners?
Glad you found the recommendations helpful! For absolute beginners, check out this routine. Focus on proper alignment and breathing, and gradually work your way up to more advanced poses. Set aside a specific time each day or week for your practice and prioritize your self-care. Good luck!