One thing I learned when I started practicing yoga was that it makes you sweat…a lot. Some people are lucky enough to enjoy sweating very minimally during their practice, but if you are like me then you are going to need something to prevent you from slipping on the sweat pooling up on your mat.
In addition to my non-slip yoga mat, I acquired the Susama Yoga Towel because even though my mat is slip resistant, my sweat was still forming puddles on my mat causing me to lose traction in some of the postures.
This yoga towel is great because it is 100% microfiber so not only does it allow me to get good traction under my feet, it absorbs any sweat that falls on it. I love that it is microfiber because it doesn’t feel like there is just a towel underneath you; it really lets you still feel the texture of your mat as well.
I also take this yoga towel with me whenever I travel for an easy way to practice anywhere without having to bring my entire mat with me. Since it is machine wash I am able to wash it after one or two uses and it smells and looks good as new!
I highly recommend this towel if you are having trouble gaining traction on your mat and would like a little more comfortable feel underneath of you. The only downside is if you are practicing a really intense moving routine, the towel sometimes gets moved around but is easily adjustable.